With over 550 schools around the world taking part, we've been blown away by the incredible feedback from teachers, headteachers, parents and children after their JUST ONE Tree Day.
Lots have made us smile, some have brought us to tears, as we began to realise the enormous impact we're having on future generations.
Here's just a snap shot.
Lots have made us smile, some have brought us to tears, as we began to realise the enormous impact we're having on future generations.
Here's just a snap shot.
A song made by King's College, Murcia, Spain, for their JUST ONE Tree Day
"This is one of my favourite charities and we are honoured to take part each year.
Meeting Amanda and having her kick-start JUST ONE Tree Day was inspiring, our children are young and they were blown away by her and her message."
Grimsdell Prep School, Mill Hill, London
Meeting Amanda and having her kick-start JUST ONE Tree Day was inspiring, our children are young and they were blown away by her and her message."
Grimsdell Prep School, Mill Hill, London
Ottery St Mary Primary School, Devon
"We had a really enjoyable day in support of a cause that we truly believe in. I have already started planning another day for the spring or summer term!"
Dunster First School, Somerset
Dunster First School, Somerset
"I thought you would like to know that one of year 4 pupils was so inspired by our JUST ONETree Day, that she took it upon herself to write to Boris Johnson about deforestation and wanted to know what the government were doing about it? A week later she got a reply!"
St Leonard's First School, Dunston |
"We've noticed children, whilst passionate about climate change, are becoming quite frightened by media information and this is a great way to do something positive and practical to make a difference."
Elm Grove Primary school, Brighton
Elm Grove Primary school, Brighton
Our Science Day, last Wednesday, where we promoted your mission to plant more trees went really well. Thank you for the links to your resources. The girls loved them. All pupils from Kindergarten up to Year 6 took part in various activities related to the theme of 'Growth'. Some groups made posters about reforestation/ deforestation, whereas other groups made animals out of leaves and other groups made their own mini-ecosystems which we will observe throughout the year to see what grows.
Science Subject Lead - Bowdon Preparatory School for Girls, Manchester |
Bellerby's College, Brighton
"I think it is a really simple but powerful concept that the children can really grasp"
Hennock Primary School, Devon
Hennock Primary School, Devon
"We had a lot of fun celebrating JUST ONE Tree Day last week. We made use of some of your lesson plans which were incredibly useful, and the children from Nursery up to and including Year 6s had fun whilst increasing their knowledge about trees. We are thrilled to be supporting the planting of so many trees."
Loreto Convent School, Gibraltar |
Stillness Infant School, London. Every leaf represents a tree planted by their pupils.
"JUST ONE Tree Day was a fab environmental day for us!
Thank you and we can't wait to take part again!" Caedmon Community Primary School, Newcastle |
"Our JUST ONE Tree Day went extremely well and is always a day that seems to raise spirits as well as money. It has become a part of our Shotley School Annual Calendar and is enjoyable for children and staff."
Shotley Community Primary School, Ipswich
Shotley Community Primary School, Ipswich
"I am sending you some pics of our wonderful day last Friday, when we all dressed up as trees, donated a £1 and coloured in a leaves to stick on our trees in both Key Stages. It was a really happy distraction from the issues we are faced with and children are really keen to plant trees."
Shotley Community Primary School, Ipswich |
Ottery St Mary Primary School, Devon
"I represent the parent committee at Brunswick Primary school in Hove and I am happy to coordinate the JUST ONE Tree Day again this year. It has been very popular with children and parents in previous years! Thanks for the opportunity to continue to raise awareness and do something positive."
Lancing College Prep, Hove - Grow your own forest challenge
Every leaf is a tree planted by their pupils
Every leaf is a tree planted by their pupils
"The class did lots of your activities that you sent as learning resources over the week and the children felt very moved about the topic."
St Leonard's First School, Dunston
St Leonard's First School, Dunston
Seend C of E Primary School, Wilstshire
Hearts made by St Joseph's Middle School, Gibraltar
"It's lovely to see the work of your charity having such an impact on future generations."
St Leonard's First School, Dunston
St Leonard's First School, Dunston
What a tree-rific day we had! Year 3 did a wonderful job of promoting our JUST ONE Tree Day: creating a buzz with posters, baking tree biscuits to sell on the day and doing some wonderful persuasive writing to get everyone excited. The day was spent dressed like a tree, doing lots of wonderful things inspired by trees, sharing stories about the importance of trees and much more... I have included some photos for you to enjoy and get a taste of the fun that was had by all. Many thanks for your wonderful charity."
Ottery St Mary, Primary School, Devon
Ottery St Mary, Primary School, Devon
“It was a wonderful idea. A lovely bit of end of term bonkers crossed with important environmental learning.”
“JUST ONE Tree day was a complete success! So many fabulous outfits throughout the school.”
"I cannot describe to you how much I needed to see the children running around the playground dressed in an entire tree costume.”
Every green fingerprint represents a tree planted
"The school had a lovely time raising awareness for such a worthy cause."
Notre Dame School, Gibraltar "The children began to understand the impact they have on their environment and how it is important to preserve and continue to look after it."
Caedmon Community Primary School, Newcastle |
Mikey from Withycombe Raleigh Primary School, Exmouth, making good use of our lesson resources.
Lancing College, Hove
"We asked every child to donate £1 to help grow a forest. They then learnt about why this is so important and built on their existing knowledge from Forest Schools to understand the impact of their generosity."
Dormansland Primary School, Surrey "I wanted to relay to you what a thoughtful day it had been for the school, and THANK YOU for all of your support in making it possible."
Shotley Community Primary School, Ipswich |
Posters made by the children of
Portslade Aldridge Community Academy, Brighton |
Ingleby Manor Free School and Six Form, Stockton-on-Tees
Seer Green Church of England School, Buckinghamshire
I have spoken with our student Eco Action Team and teaching staff, who are all very keen to take part in this exciting project. We are planning to make the whole day an outdoor learning day themed around trees. The day fits perfectly in the middle of our 'switch off fortnight', when we encourage everyone to reduce CO2 pollution by saving energy at home and school. Great that we can now help them to redress the balance by planting a tree somewhere in the world too!
Dunster First School, Minehead |
Seer Green Church of England School, Buckinghamshire
"We would absolutely love to get involved once again this year. You are doing some fantastic work and feel very lucky to be able to be part of it." Stretton Sugwas Academy, Hereford |
"Thank you so much for our certificate, we are incredible proud to have contributed to such a worthwhile cause." Woodlands Infant School, Solihull |
St Anne's Middle School, Gibraltar
St Catherine of Siena Catholic Primary School, Hertfordshire
"The children were informed about our plans today in assembly and are very excited as am I, I can't wait to do the finger print map/visual display so they can see our trees grow in numbers."
Clowne Infant School, Derbyshire |
Bliss Charity School's assembly on the importance of trees
"It's a sea of green here today. Everyone is dressed in green for JUST ONE Tree day and we're doing lots of activities to help us think about climate change. Most exciting, we've raised enough money as a school to plant more than 1000 trees! Well done and thank you everyone. Here are some pics of what we've been up to. Our Form VIs have been calculating the amount of CO2 taken out of the atmosphere by some of the trees on our grounds based on the circumference of their trunks. They snuck a bit of tree hugging in too, because why not? Our Form IVs have been learning all about what trees do for us and creating some wonderful posters (on recycled and scrap paper). It's been a great day and an initiative we're proud to support."
St George's Preparatory School, Jersey
St George's Preparatory School, Jersey
"It’s a great initiative and one we hope to support in the future. Many thanks once again for your efforts. It is our privilege and duty to support charities who are fighting for our planet."
St Anne's Upper Primary School, Gibraltar |
"We had such a great day supporting your cause and the children are loving the certificate with the information about what is happening to ‘their’ seeds. We ran various tree themed events through the day which the children seemed to enjoy."
Lancing Prep, Hove |
"We took part in this initiative last year and found that the children really enjoyed it and learnt a lot from it. We look forward to carrying on with this initiative this year. We want to help and inform our future generation as much as we can."
St Paul's First School, Gibraltar |
St Marks High School, Warrenpoint, Northern Ireland
St Bernard's Lower School, Gibraltar
Loreto Convent School, Gibraltar
Bishop Fitzgerald Upper Primary School, Gibraltar
"Environmental conservation and sustainability are both very much part of the culture and ethos at St Joseph's and apart from the benefits of fundraising, the educational opportunity that the JUST ONE Tree Day presents is very valuable"
St Joseph's lower Primary School, Gibraltar
St Joseph's lower Primary School, Gibraltar
"Just to let you know that our pupils thoroughly enjoyed the non uniform day and raising funds for such a worthy cause."
St John's, Cardiff |
Offley Endowed Primary and Nursery School, Hitchin
"Our pupils watched presentations delivered by their teachers and considered and discussed the importance of looking after plants and trees. There was a lovely, happy atmosphere with pupils and teachers feeling they were making a positive contribution to the environment."
St Mary's Lower Primary School, Gibraltar |
Sunnyfields Primary School, London
"Today we raised money for JUST ONE Tree which will mean a tree is planted for every £1 donated. In class the children learnt about climate change and how they can look after our environment."
St Catherine's Catholic Primary School, High Barnet |
"Thank you for all the support and communications. It was a lovely event and the pupils really enjoyed the chance to wear their own clothes. They were very much taken with the idea that they planted 181 trees!"
St Mary's School, Melrose |
Wood Street Infant School, Surrey, every tree represents a real tree planted the children.
Thurstonland First School, Huddersfield
We have had a go green mufti day this week. The children came to school wearing green, and the Eco Council delivered an assembly about your charity. Our school play this year is called Out of this World which is all about our planet being destroyed by humans and aliens coming down to save it. On the back of our program we asked for donations at the end and in total including the mufti day we have raised £125!
Cornwood Primary School, Devon
Cornwood Primary School, Devon
Shotley Community Primary School, Suffolk
"Kingsham Primary School had 287 pupils and staff take part in the event and everyone was extremely supportive of this wonderful event. It was lovely to see all the children dressed in their various shades of green for the day. As a school we are keen to take part again next year. Thank you for organising this great day and keep up the good work, we look forward to taking part in future events."
Kingsham Primary School, West Sussex
Kingsham Primary School, West Sussex
St Anne's Upper Primary School, Gibraltar
"Children and staff dressed up in tree colours of all seasons and painted faces too. We had viewed one of the films that you sent, on our wide screen in assembly, about helping to plant trees in a Madagascan village. Then, on the day, we talked about the impact of planting more trees on our planet, in assembly again. The children were invited to pay £1 and colour in a leaf, which was stuck onto a tree trunk cutout in our corridor."
Shotley Community Primary School, Suffolk |
Shotley Community Primary School, Suffolk
Kingsham Primary School, West Sussex
"Our pupils engaged really well with the event!" Cranbrook Education Campus, Exeter
"Hey my name is Isaac and I am 8 years old I am a big lover of trees. That is why I took all of my savings into school on Friday 16th October for Just One Tree day. Trees help us in lots of ways, and they are fun to be around and on. I want there to be more trees and to help the planet. My mum and my teacher weren't sure if I should use all of my savings, but I thought it was a good use of my money, in fact I couldn’t think of anything more important to spend it on!"
Isaac, from Goldstone Primary School, Brighton
Isaac, from Goldstone Primary School, Brighton
Kirklandneuk Primary School, Glasgow
St Bernard's Lower Primary School, Gibraltar