If you're looking for an eco-friendly gift for the planet conscious person in your life,
then look no further!
Simply choose which project you would like to support and for how much - £5, £10, £20 or £50.
Each gift pack will consist of an e-certificate, an e-card and information about where your trees will be planted.
All you have to do is email it through to your recipient!
then look no further!
Simply choose which project you would like to support and for how much - £5, £10, £20 or £50.
Each gift pack will consist of an e-certificate, an e-card and information about where your trees will be planted.
All you have to do is email it through to your recipient!
For every £1 a tree will be planted in the Cerrado; a biodiversity jewel in the heart of Brazil which is more at risk than the Amazon Rainforest.
Your gift will reverse deforestation and provide sustainable incomes for the Kalunga community, who will be caring for your trees in this UN protected site.
Your gift will reverse deforestation and provide sustainable incomes for the Kalunga community, who will be caring for your trees in this UN protected site.
Simply click on the button below to order your gift set.
Choose the gift amount on checkout (£5, £10, £20 or £50).
And make sure you leave the name of the recipient in the comments box!
Choose the gift amount on checkout (£5, £10, £20 or £50).
And make sure you leave the name of the recipient in the comments box!
For every £1 at least one Mangrove tree will be planted in Ankilahila, Madagascar.
Your gift will be helping to expand wildlife habitats whilst planting
the powerhouse of CO2 absorbing trees.
Your gift will be helping to expand wildlife habitats whilst planting
the powerhouse of CO2 absorbing trees.
Simply click on the button below to order your gift set.
Choose the gift amount on checkout (£5, £10, £20 or £50)
And make sure you leave the name of the recipient in the comments box!
Choose the gift amount on checkout (£5, £10, £20 or £50)
And make sure you leave the name of the recipient in the comments box!
For every £1, one tree will be planted in Gilgil Special School, Nakuru county near Nairobi.
Your gift will enable the pupils to learn both the local and global importance of protecting the environment
whilst caring for your trees.
Your gift will enable the pupils to learn both the local and global importance of protecting the environment
whilst caring for your trees.
Simply click on the button below to order your gift set.
Choose the gift amount on checkout (£5, £10, £20 or £50).
And make sure you leave the name of the recipient in the comments box!
Choose the gift amount on checkout (£5, £10, £20 or £50).
And make sure you leave the name of the recipient in the comments box!
Alternatively, you can choose to support kelp regeneration in the Philippines.
Your gift will be helping to increase marine biodiversity whilst addressing
ocean acidification and rising sea temperatures.
Your gift will be helping to increase marine biodiversity whilst addressing
ocean acidification and rising sea temperatures.
Simply click on the button below to order your gift set.
Choose the gift amount on checkout (£5, £10, £20, or £50).
And make sure you leave the name of the recipient in the comments box!
Choose the gift amount on checkout (£5, £10, £20, or £50).
And make sure you leave the name of the recipient in the comments box!